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Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust - Nuclear Medicine

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SOP CodeTitleReview Date
REF002Radionuclide Ventriculography Referral Criteria2027-07-08

Authorised By Authorising Role Authorisation Signature
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Date Authorised
Dr I Sunderji ARSAC Licence Holder 2024-07-08

REF002 - Radionuclide Ventriculography Referral Criteria

See REF000 - Referring to Nuclear Medicine (HUTH) for details of how to refer.


Radionuclide ventriculography (sometime referred to as a MUGA scan) is a reproducible technique for assessing left ventricular function and left ventricular ejection fraction. It is performed by in-vivo labelling of red cells with a radioactive tracer followed by acquiring ECG gated images on a gamma camera.

ARSAC Licence HoldersIndication
Prof Stephen Richard Underwoodblood pool imaging (MUGA) /probe studies
Dr Imran Sunderjiblood pool imaging (MUGA) /probe studies
Prof Ged Averyblood pool imaging (MUGA) /probe studies
Dr Najeeb Ahmedblood pool imaging (MUGA) /probe studies

Typical Radiation Dose (mSv) 5.6

Staff Entitled to Refer

  • All UK registered medical practitioners
  • Approved non-medical referrers as listed in departmental SOP E029

Supplementary Drugs

Sodium chloride for parenteral use (0.9% w/v).

Stannous Agent/Sodium pyrophosphate



Clinical Indications

Assessment of global left ventricular function[1][2]
Assessment of regional left ventricular function/wall motion abnormalities[2]
Assessment of diastolic function[2]
Serial measurement of left ventricular ejection fraction to assess left ventricular function following administration of chemotherapeutic or other cardiotoxic agents (e.g.Herceptin) [1][2]
Suspected heart failure (e.g. selection of patients for ACE inhibitor) [1]
Assessment of ventricular function in patients with valvular heart disease [1]
Assessment of left ventricular function prior to major surgery
Assessment of left ventricular function prior to cardiac transplantation
Assessment of left-to-right cardiac shunts (via first pass imaging) [2]
Assessment of right ventricular function (via first pass imaging) [2]
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