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Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust - Nuclear Medicine

Uncontrolled if printed

SOP CodeTitleReview Date
REF000Referring to Nuclear Medicine (HUTH)2027-08-23

Authorised By Authorising Role Authorisation Signature
(only on master paper copy)
Date Authorised
Dr N Ahmed ARSAC Licence Holder 2024-08-23
Dr G Wright NM MPE 2024-08-23

REF000 - Referring to Nuclear Medicine (HUTH)

NB: This procedure does not apply to referrals for PET/CT which is provided by a private company (Alliance Medical).

Referral Process

Information Required on Referrals to Nuclear Medicine

As referrer you must provide the following information on the request:

We CANNOT legally perform procedures without sufficient details to justify the radiation exposure, and identify the patient and referrer.

Incomplete requests will be returned to the referrer and this may lead to a delay appointing the patient

Referral Criteria

Diagnostic Procedures

Bone Scans

Cardiac Amyloidosis Imaging

Lung Ventilation/Perfusion Imaging

Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy

Radionuclide Ventriculography/MUGA

Renal Imaging (Static)/DMSA

Renograms (Dynamic)

Other procedures are currently under review and will be added to this page as reviews completed. In the meantime, for procedures not listed above, see

Therapy Procedures

Radioiodine Treatment of Thyrotoxicosis Referral Criteria

Radioiodine Ablation (Ca Thyroid) Referral Criteria

Other therapy procedures are currently under review and will be added to this page as reviews completed. In the meantime see