**Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust - Nuclear Medicine** Uncontrolled if printed [[sqlite:unused:unused:unused:/home/heynmorg/public_html/wiki/data/meta/examcodes/database.db|SELECT sop AS "SOP Code",title AS "Title",reviewdate AS "Review Date" FROM sops WHERE sop='REF002'|0]] \\ ^ Authorised By ^ Authorising Role ^ Authorisation Signature \\ (only on master paper copy) ^ Date Authorised | | Dr I Sunderji | ARSAC Licence Holder | | 2024-07-08 | ====== REF002 - Radionuclide Ventriculography Referral Criteria ====== See [[referral_criteria:ref000-how_to_refer_to_huthnm|REF000 - Referring to Nuclear Medicine (HUTH)]] for details of how to refer. ===== Description ===== Radionuclide ventriculography (sometime referred to as a MUGA scan) is a reproducible technique for assessing left ventricular function and left ventricular ejection fraction. It is performed by in-vivo labelling of red cells with a radioactive tracer followed by acquiring ECG gated images on a gamma camera. [[sqlite:unused:unused:unused:/home/heynmorg/public_html/wiki/data/meta/arsac/database2019.db|SELECT fullname AS "ARSAC Licence Holders", investigation AS "Indication" FROM practitionerlicences INNER JOIN practitioners,procedurecodes,praclicproc,nuclides,chemicalforms ON practitionerlicences.practitioner=practitioners.id AND praclicproc.plicid=practitionerlicences.id AND praclicproc.procid=procedurecodes.id AND procedurecodes.nuclide_id=nuclides.id AND procedurecodes.chemicalform_id=chemicalforms.id AND practitionerlicences.certificateactive='Y' WHERE procedure_code='99mTc-48-10' AND date('now')<=expirydate ORDER BY expirydate|0]] \\ ^ ^ Radiopharmaceutical ^ ^Typical Radiation Dose (mSv) | 5.6 | ===== Staff Entitled to Refer ===== * All UK registered medical practitioners * Approved non-medical referrers as listed in departmental SOP E029 ===== Supplementary Drugs ===== Sodium chloride for parenteral use (0.9% w/v). Stannous Agent/Sodium pyrophosphate ===== Contraindications ===== Pregnancy ===== Clinical Indications ===== |Assessment of global left ventricular function[([[https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.bnms.org.uk/resource/resmgr/guidelines/planar_radionuclide_cardiac_.pdf|Nicol, A et al. Procedure Guideline for Planar Radionuclide Cardiac Ventriculogram for the Assessment of Left Ventricular Systolic Function. Version 2 2016. British Nuclear Medicine Society]])][([[https://www.acr.org/-/media/ACR/Files/Practice-Parameters/CardiacScint.pdf|ACR–NASCI–SNMMI–SPR–STR Practice Parameter For The Performance of Cardiac Scintigraphy (Amended 2023)]])] | |Assessment of regional left ventricular function/wall motion abnormalities[(#2)] | |Assessment of diastolic function[(#2)] | |Serial measurement of left ventricular ejection fraction to assess left ventricular function following administration of chemotherapeutic or other cardiotoxic agents (e.g.Herceptin) [(#1)][(#2)] | |Suspected heart failure (e.g. selection of patients for ACE inhibitor) [(#1)] | |Assessment of ventricular function in patients with valvular heart disease [(#1)] | |Assessment of left ventricular function prior to major surgery | |Assessment of left ventricular function prior to cardiac transplantation | |Assessment of left-to-right cardiac shunts (via first pass imaging) [(#2)] | |Assessment of right ventricular function (via first pass imaging) [(#2)] |